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Words from the President

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Education Society (STEM Education Society, STEMES) is a non-profit corporation, filed and registered at the Iowa Secretary of State, Iowa State, USA in Sept. 2005. It. is an open society that publicly benefits people (parents, students, and professionals) who are interested in promoting USA-based education in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. The corporation is to foster the next generation of scientists, engineers, and other professionals through society's programs.

The cooperation's mission is to serve the state(s) and the nation by providing innovative educational programs for all-level students who are interested in future career path in the fields of sciences, engineering areas, today and future technologies.

The corporation was initially founded by Prof. Jun Ni, Prof. Ge Wang, and Joe DeMaria who voluntarily involve in local and national STEM activities. Dr. Jun Ni is the founder and the President of STEMES. Dr. Jun Ni held his professorships in Colleges of Medicine, Engineering, and Liberal Arts and Actual Sciences at the University of Iowa. He worked in many scientific and engineering disciplines. He has been enthusiastically engaged in many USA-based STEM activities and outreach to advocate and advance STEM education in science and technology. He serves as a committee member of national STEM Education Coalition. After his retirement from the University of Iowa, he founded MediX Computing LLC, continually working on healthcare informatics-powered healthcare information systems and big data analysis and information mining. His business sector will continue support STEMES financially and technologically..

The operation will be overseen by the committee members of the STEMES executive board, in accordance with the organization's bylaw.